Please consider donating to any one of our many Donation Funds. Our Veterans deserve our appreciation and our help. On behalf of all veterans. Thank you for your donation.
V4V focuses on Veterans with visible and invisible battle scars. We target those Veterans with noticeable physical challenges and those Veterans with injuries undetected by the naked eye.
We are Veteran advocates who form relationships with our service men and women that allow us to customize our products and services. We step up when no one else does. We are not about the photo op. We believe in providing hand-ups rather than hand-outs for our Veterans in Need. V4V has a generous community of volunteers, sponsors and donors. We have an aggressive fundraising campaign strategy, which provides us with the opportunity to expand our reach and help more Veterans in Need.
V4V Identifies those Veterans who are unable to get custom vehicles, such as all terrain vehicles, zoom chairs and recreational vehicles they need to do severe injuries while serving our country.
So far, The V4V has awarded over 29 of these vehicles to deserving Veterans.
Focusing on Veterans with visible & invisible battle scars, we target those Veterans with noticeable physical challenges & those Veterans with injuries undetected by the naked eye.
We form relationships with our service men and women that allow us to customize our products and services.
We have an aggressive fundraising campaign strategy, which provides us with the opportunity to expand our reach and help more Veterans in Need.
We raise awareness of the service, diversity, and resilience of Women Veterans. Just like the Center for Women Veterans’ (CWV) " I Am Not Invisible (IANI)" campaign, we spotlight the many faces of this diverse and important segment of the Veteran community and acknowledge their service.
Our Orchid Gala is our signature Women Veterans event.
V4V sponsors service dogs. By forging a partnership with Villages’ lifestyle groups that raise money for puppies to raise and train them. V4V and her partners are able to give the gift of a service dog to Veterans in Need. V4V has sponsored 9 puppies, 4 have graduated and the other five are in various stages of the 2-year training program.
V4V sponsors service dogs. By forging a partnership with Villages’ lifestyle groups that raise money for puppies to raise and train them. V4V and her partners are able to give the gift of a service dog to Veterans in Need. V4V has sponsored 9 puppies, 4 have graduated and the other five are in various stages of the 2-year training program.