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Meet the Visionaries Behind Villagers for Veterans

Board Of Directors


Marie Bogdonoff

Founder, CEO Villagers For Veterans

Marie Bogdonoff Founder, CEO Villagers For Veterans. Since founding Villagers For Veterans in 2015, Marie has been inspired by the numerous veterans she has had the pleasure to meet and the overwhelming community support that continues the V4V to provide resources and assistance in support of our core mission, "to ensure severely injured veterans receive the tools and assistance needed to healing, a return to normalcy and an independent lifestyle," As we continue to explore opportunities to serve veterans, we identified a critical gap within the Veterans Administration to meet the serious needs of the ever-growing population of women veterans to have a stable environment to feel safe while working on a new beginning and a pathway to a successful future. Founding 2 all-female veteran transition homes in Central Florida offers women veterans a temporary safe haven while also providing job training, counseling and much needed female camaraderie as they work towards self-sufficiency in a secure and loving environment. The transition homes, appropriately named "Ashley's Cottage" and "Ashley's House" are dedicated to the memory of First Lieutenant Ashley White-Stumpf who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2011.


LCDR Kathryn A. Wilgus

NC Navy, Retired Vice President MS, RN, PGCE, CNOR-E

Kathryn Wilgus began her military career in 1987 as part of the United States Army Reserve Delayed Entry Program (DEP); she enlisted as an operating room technician. As a civilian, she was employed as a perioperative nurse within Florida Hospital Health System in Orlando, achieving highest level of Clinical Nurse IV on personal professional development ladder and became operating room manager in Altamonte Springs, Florida. She also worked as a hospice nurse, psychiatric ward at Lake Correctional Institution and as a licensed practical nurse instructor in her civilian occupations. In 2004, Kathryn was commissioned a Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG) in the Navy Nurse Corps Reserves. In 2016, she retired with 20 years combined military service. Her key assignments include a one-year deployment to Landstuhl, Germany in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF); deployment on the United States Naval Ship (USNS) Comfort for their Continuing Promise Mission to Antigua, Columbia and Panama; deployments to Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan as a Medical Embedded Training Team (METT) member and Female Engagement Team (FET) member and Kandahar, Afghanistan as an operating room nurse. Kathryn earned a Master’s of Science degree in Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Systems Management and completed her post certificate in Education, nursing focus, from Regis University, Denver, Colorado. She also earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing from Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida.


Paul Immordino

Treasurer HTCS (EXW)

Paul entered the United States Navy Reserves as a Petty Officer Third Class (E-4) in 1990 as a Hull Technician and retired in 2014 as a Senior Chief Petty Officer (E-8) Expeditionary Warfare Specialist. His key assignments include a Combat Tour to Iraq overseeing vital security of Iraq assets and personnel, security support in United Arab Emirates (UAE), and assisted in seaward security in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In 2012, Paul retired after working 20 years as a Boilermaker/Welder on Power Plants all over the East Coast in the United States; a member of Local 13 out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is also a Master Mason, within good standing, with Masonic Lodge 368 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Immordino was also named American Legionnaire of the Year Post 35 in 2020.​Currently, Paul serves as the Financial Officer, and Life Member, for his Local Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA) Chapter 20-4; a National


Paul Immordino

Treasurer HTCS (EXW)

COL Stephanie Gradford is a native of Miami, Florida. She enlisted in the Army in 1990 as an Aviation Operations Specialist and in 1993 was commissioned through Officer Candidate School in the Transportation Corps. Her key duty assignments include Platoon Leader, B Company, 702 nd Main Support Battalion, Camp Nimble, Korea; Commander, 380 th Movement Control Team (Airborne), 330 th Movement Control Battalion and S-1, 7 th Transportation Battalion, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; S-1, 24 th Corps Support Group and Commander, 396 th Transportation Company (PLS), Fort Stewart, Georgia; S-4, 3 rd Brigade, 85 th Division and Commander, HHC, 3 rd Brigade, 85 th Division; Support Operations Officer, Area Support Group-Kuwait, Camp Doha, Kuwait; G-4 Planner, 3 rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Georgia; Executive Officer, 87 th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, Mosul, Iraq; Chief, Command Planning Group, Combined Arms Support Command, Sustainment Center of Excellence, Battalion Commander, 71 st Transportation Battalion, Army Logistics University, Fort Lee, Virginia, Executive Officer, 6 th Brigade, United States Army Cadet Command, Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia and Commander, United States Forces-


Charotte Wilson


Charlotte Wilson Originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Served in the Women’s Army Corps from 1969-1980 as a Operating Room Tech, achieved the rank of SSGT. Came to Florida in 2017 and resides in Glenbrook Village in the Villagers. After leaving the service she completed her Bachelors in Management information system from Nichols College in Massachusetts. She worked at Cutler Army Hospital in Massachusetts; serving as the Assistant Chief of Logistics, and Chief of Services Branch. And She is a Member of American Legion Riders #347; past adjutant, Legionnaire 347, Member of the Motor Maids, an all-women’s riding club and the oldest riding club in North America and Canada; past district director for MA/RI/CT. Member of Moving Violations Motorcycle Club, MC; past secretary. Currently a member of the Tri Country Women Veterans Organization, and on the financially committee. As the new Secretary for Villagers for Veterans

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1310-1 W US Hwy 441, Leesburg, FL, United States, Florida

1 516-220-5068